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We Build Websites.

Call 601-955-3870.

Joomla Websites.

We specialize in websites built on the Joomla CMS Operating System. It is a robust platform that serves well for sites of all sizes and needs. You can start with a Joomla VirtueMart shopping cart with a handful of products and add products and capabilities until you have a hundred thousand products or even more. Joomla is designed to grow with you.

You can sell physical products that need to be shipped out or you can sell downloadable digital products like music, software, eBooks - whatever. It is also designed to be owner-operated - the customer can do the day-to-day operations of adding products, scheduling events, managing newsletters or just writing articles for the Latest News. Either way, you cannot go wrong with Joomla. Wen it is combined with the plethora of off-the-shelf software extensions that already work, it quickly becomes a working asset that performs its purpose 24 hours a day 365 days a year. It is an employee that never tires.

PrestaShop Online Store

If you just want to build an online store, then we suggest PrestaShop - is a freemium, open source e-commerce solution. PrestaShop has more than three hundred built-in features for managing product listing, payments, shipping, manufacturers and suppliers. PrestaShop uses a web template system which allows users to customize store themes and add new features through add-on modules. The PrestaShop Addons marketplace provides a platform for third-party developers to sell themes and modules to merchants. It is mobile-ready and installs out-of-the-box with sample products and content.

A Simpler Website?

One-Page Mobile-Responsive Websites

We build these, too. Sometimes you don't need or aren't ready for a full-blown CMS website. We build these sites on the ARTX framework with Bootstrap. If you have just a few pages of information that you need to get out there, it can do it well and look great on your mobile devices. This is especially good for new business ventures. Regardless of your preconceptions, your business will show you what you are doing right (or wrong) as well as what you may need to start doing. We will be happy to grow your website with your business. Eventually a successful business will require a more robust website that allows you (or a designated employee) to make daily changes on your own. That's when you'll need a Joomla site. If you wish to keep the design of your ARTX site, no problem. We can export the ARTX template to a Joomla template. Your branding stays consistent, but your capabilities are now wide open. See our article about off-the-shelf software that can be installed into Joomla.

We provide website design for all purposes, great and small.

We can develop websites that are sheer workhorses, handling a long list of tasks and doing it well. We can also deliver a website that fits the smallest of budgets.

How much website do you need? What is in your budget? We can deliver small, inexpensive websites that provide the basic levels of interaction between your site and your customers. Maybe you just want a place to display your phone numbers and address along with a Google Map and Directions widget. Maybe you would like to try your hand at one of those build-it-yourself website design engines. We have those, too. See our Website Hosting section for more information, or jump directly to Softaculous on page 3 for the 400+ turnkey apps available with the click of a mouse.

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