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You may be surprised at all of the things that you can do with Joomla right out of the box, especially if you purchase a quick-start package that comes with specialized software already installed and themed to match the site templates. You see, there are thousands of powerful off-the-shelf programs that make it possible to have a money-making turnkey enterprise. Let's look at some of the more common software solutions that I have provided for my clients. Keep in mind that just because a program has a lot of capability, there is still a lot of work that goes into getting it configured and tailored to meet the needs of the client. This is by no means a comprehensive list. It does scratch the surface, however.


VirtueMart, HikaShop, redSHOP, DigiCom, MijoShop, EShop, JoomShop, K2 Store, RokQuickCart, JooCommerce.

Real Estate

iProperty, OS Property, FW Real Estate, EZ Realty, JomEstate Pro, Real Estate Manager Basic.

Event Management and Booking

JEvents, RS Events Pro, Event Booking, Ohanah, DT Register, JCal Pro, Event Registration Pro, Events Booking, KEM Joomla Event Management, MijoEvents, JA Events II, PB Booking.


Auction Factory, BF Auction Plus, WDC Auction, JE Auction, Raffle Factory, Auction and Multivendor.

Automotive Sales and Rental

Vehicle Manager, EXP Auto, RD-Autos Single Dealer, Autosoft DMS.

Property Management

OS Property Real Estate, RealEstateManager, ‎IProperty Real Estate, BT Property, SP Property, Mosets Hot Property, FW Real Estate, EZ Realty,  JomEstate Pro.

Project & Task Management

Vik Appointments, Taxi Booking, LMS (Learning Management System), vAccount, Project Fork, JE Project Manager, JForce, Timesheet.

Classified Ads

DJ-Classifieds, Jom Classifieds, AdsManager, J-ClassifiedsManager,
Ads Factory, JEXTN Classified, Almond Classifieds, Rialto, Advertisement Board, TZ Pinboard, KSAdvertiser, JE Classify Ads, Swap Factory.

Jobs & Recruitment

BoomBri, MEPRO Human Resources, JoomCareer, JobGrok, NeoRecruit, JS Jobs, Job Board, JE Job, Jobs Factory.


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